Amir Rastpour

I am an Assistant Professor of Operations Management at the Faculty of Business and Information Technology (FBIT) in the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (Ontario Tech University ). I received my PhD in Operations Management from the University of Alberta School of Business in 2015 and joined Ontario Tech in 2017. I was a postdoctoral fellow in Management Science at the Ivey Business School, Western University, before joining Ontario Tech.

My research interest is in applications of operations research and statistics in the health care sector. More specifically, I am interested in applying queuing theory, count regression models, and empirical analysis methods to problems in the health-care sector both at the planning level (such as demand prediction for heart attack treatment facilities and finding promising locations for these facilities) and at the operational level (such as emergency medical services operations). My recent focus has been on solving quasi-birth–death (QBD) processes with applications in analyzing real-world health care problems. Please visit my research page for a list of my current and past papers.

I teach Statistics and courses on operations management. In my classes, my students learn how to gain insights from raw data to facilitate decision making processes. My students learn data organization, presentation, analysis, and interpretation skills by observing relevant and real examples. During each session, I provide numerous opportunities for my students to repeat and discuss materials that they have learned to facilitate their learning experience. Please visit my teaching page for information on courses I have taught at Ontario Tech.

Please find the last version of my CV here.